Maud Huynen (1978) holds Masters Degrees in Environmental Health Science (2001) and Epidemiology (2003) and a Ph.D. in Global Health (2008). She conducted her Ph.D. research ‘Future Health in a globalising world’ at the International Centre for Integrated Assessment and Sustainable Development (ICIS), Maastricht University. This PhD-project explored possible global health futures by means of the health transition theory, scenario analysis, and an integrated framework for globalisation and health. She currently is a research fellow at ICIS on topics related to global and environmental health. Her research interests include: Global health; Environmental health (including the health effects of climate change); Sustainable development; Integrated Assessment (and integrated scenarios analysis in particular); and Sustainability in education.
In 2005-2010, Maud worked on the EU-FP6 INTARESE project as work package leader for WP3.7 Climate, which performs an integrated risk assessment of the “health impacts of climate change”. More recently, Maud worked as work package leader on the ERA-NET-project ENHanCE (Risk assessment of the impact of global warming on human health and well-being) and as a researcher on the EU FP7 VISION RD4SD project (VISION Research and Development for Sustainable Development). In addition, she is/has been involved in several Dutch projects exploring the health impacts of climate change.
Maud is lead author of the 2009 ZonMw proposal for a national research programme on ‘Climate Change and Health’ and acted as a reviewer of the Health Council of The Netherlands’ 2009 report ‘Global environmental impact on health’. In 2014, she was contributing expert/author to the report by the Dutch Institute of Public Health and the Environment(RIVM) entitled ‘The effects of climate change on health: Update for the National Adaptation Strategy 2016’.
Maud is currently working on the NurSus TOOLKIT project (NurSusTOOLKIT: A Teaching and Learning Resource for Sustainability in Nursing; 2014-2017; Erasmus+ Programme), leading projet activities 2 and 3. She is also involved in the HealthCap project (Health research capacity and water-related diseases- Improving Risk Assessment Strategies for Public Health Care in Uzbekistan 2014-2017, Volkswagen Foundation). In addition she conducts independent research into the health impacts of heat waves in the Netherlands (i.e. the HEAL project).
Until 2012, Maud coordinated the teaching activities carried out by ICIS. She has been involved in developing the MSc. Sustainability Science and Policy (MSc SSP). Maud has developed several BA and MSc courses for the Maastricht University College (UCM), the Maastricht Graduate School of Governance (MGSoG), the Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Science (FHML), and the Maastricht Graduate School of Sustainability Science (MUST). She currently coordinates the SSP course ‘Fundamentals of Sustainable Development’ and the UCM course ‘Sustainable Development: an introduction’. She teaches in several bachelor and master courses on topics related to sustainable development, global health, globalisation, environmental law, and Integrated Assessment. Maud has been nominated for the Maastricht University Education Prize 2009.
Publications (selection)
Martens, P., Huynen, M.M.T.E.m Akin, S. (2014). Health in a globalising world. How climate changes the equation. In: Wuyi, W., Krafft, T., Rosenberg, M. & Pilot, E. (2014). Health and environmental change in urban areas. China Environment Press, Beijing. Chapter 2, 21-32.
Huynen, M., Martens, P., Akin, S., (2013). Climate change: an amplifier of existing health risks in developing countries. DOI : 10.1007/s10668-013-9450-4. Accepted for publication in Environment, Development and Sustainability
Martens, P., Huynen, M., Akin, S., Hilderink, H. & Soskolne, C.L. (2011). Globalisation and human health: complexity, links and research gaps. IHDP Update, 1, 2-6.
Martens P, Akin S, Huynen M, Raza M. (2010). Is globalization healthy: a statistical indicator analysis of the impacts of globalization on health. Globalization and Health, 6:16 (17 September 2010).
Martens, P., Aerts, J.C.J.H., Amelung, B., Bouwer, L.M., Chang, C.T., Huynen, M., Van Ierland, E.C., Van Koppen, C.S.A., McEvoy, D., Mol, A.P.J., & Van Tatenhove, J. (2010). Imagining the unimaginable: synthesis of essays on abrupt and extreme climate change. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 2, 1-9.
McIntyre, K.M., Setzkorn, C., Baylis, M., Waret-Szkuta, A., Caminade, C., Morese, A.P., Akin, S., Huynen, M., Martens, P., & Mornad, S. (2010). Impact of climate change on human and animal health. The Veterinary Record, 167, 586.
Huynen, MMTE and en van Vliet, AJH. Climate Change and health in the Netherlands [in Dutch] Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde, 2009, 153: A1515.