Interim Report2015: Dissemination and exploitation of the NurSusTOOLKIT

Output O6:  Aim

To disseminate and exploit the outputs of the NurSus project and encourage access to and use of the NurSus TOOLKIT


  • To disseminate the process and outputs of the project
  • To ensure the learning materials (the NurSus TOOLKIT) are widely available for use in Europe, a) within the nursing curriculum; b) for nurses and healthcare practitioners undertaking continuing professional development


 Esslingen was responsible at the beginning of the project for drafting several logos for the NurSus Study. The logo design was chosen by representatives of all partners at the first meeting in Plymouth. This logo is used as a recognition factor on all materials dealing with the project

The Study also commits to a biannual Newsletter. Esslingen is responsible for the design, layout collection and collation of material for the Newsletter and its distribution. The content of the Newsletter is decided upon through discussion with all partners.  The design of the Newsletter was created using the same colours as in the logo (The links to these newsletters can be found below). Esslingen is responsible for the distribution of the Newsletter in electronic format. To enable this, Esslingen administers the mailings lists for the different partners. This includes interested parties from other countries, stakeholders, policy makers at national level, Schools of Nursing, Universities and Nursing Associations . The newsletter is sent out electronically every half year by Esslingen.

Esslingen also gathers comments on the content of the newsletter. It is intended to use these in future issues as a basis for further discussion.

A NurSus fanfold flyer was designed by Esslingen in English for use by all partners. Each partner can use the design and layout for translation into their respective native language. Postcards and posters giving an overview of the project are also currently being designed. These will be in English but each partner can translate these into their native language.

Facebook groups are currently being set up in all project countries to enable discussions between students within their own country and also between partner countries. A blog on the work of the student panels is to be set up by Esslingen and is currently being developed.

Esslingen is responsible for the management and administration of publications on the study from all partner countries. To date the following Newsletters/Articles have been published:

Two NurSus newsletters

The third newsletter is currently in the making and will be sent out shortly before the next transnational meeting in September 2015.

Published Article in FH Esslingen Faculty newsletter 3 (pages 20/21)

Esslingen is also responsible for the management and administration of presentations, workshops, posters at conferences attended from all partner countries. To date the following conferences have been attended:


National Conference Bachelor “Nursing 2020”

Neuwegein, The Netherlands

January 28th, 2015


RCN Education Forum national conference and exhibition

East Midlands Conference Centre, Nottingham, UK

March 10th-11th, 2015

(presentation of SANS results)


Jornada sobre Tecnologia e Saúde

Guarda Portugal

April 17th , 2015

(NurSus presentation)


Health@World: towards a culture sensitive nurse identity

Bruges, Belgium

April 27th – May 1st, 2015

(NurSus Workshop)


Cracking Earth 2015: Building Sustainability Research with Foundations. The Fourth annual ISSR Sustainability Research Event

University Plymouth, UK

April 29th, 2015

(presentation of Sustainability Attitudes to Nursing Survey results)


6th International Clinic Skills Conference

Monash University, Prato, Italy

May 17th – May 20th, 2015

(NurSus presentation)


Summer School Esslingen

FH Esslingen, Germany

June 15th – June 19th, 2015

(NurSus sustainability workshop embedded in health care related topics and discussions)


International congress on Education, Innovation and Learning Technologies

Granada, Spain

September 21st – September 23rd, 2015

(NurSus Presentation)



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